Tuesday, 10 December 2013

PARENTS ...U NEED TO SOW "love" and"law"...

Often parents think that children should not cry and so they pamper them. ….THIS gets them involved in many sinful actions.
PARENTS today tend to lavish too much affection on their children. It is not wrong to love children. But you (parents) should learn how to love them. Whenever the children go astray, parents should hasten to correct their faults and bring them to the fight path. The obligations of parents do not end with providing food, schooling and knowledge of worldly matters. The children should also be provided with TO fight values. They should not be made to think that the acquisition of wealth is the be-all and end-all of life. Wealth does not accompany one when he leaves the world. Wealth is necessary only for meeting one's essential needs. Too much wealth is an embarrassment like an over-size shoe. Too little of it is likely to be painful, like a fight fitting shoe. So, it is desirable to have only that amount of wealth that is adequate for one's basic needs. It is deplorable that today, in the mad pursuit of money, people are forgetting all human qualities. Perhaps, it is our basic parental duty to do for our children what they are incapable of doing by themselves, at least until they develop and grow into capable, competent, and self-reliant individuals. OUR desire must be to nurture our children’s sense of responsibility and independence in all ways to gain a healthily living. it needs controlled awareness with love and care. One most common problem faced by we teachers is to let school-going children manage their own homework. Instead of having to constantly nag, dear parents must remind or insist that children finish their homework diligently with love under guidance ……wouldn't it be easier to let them be motivated by their intrinsic desire to be seen as ‘good and responsible pupils’ and to avoid the potential negative consequences (be it guilt, anxiety or punishment) of not completing their work? reminding children to do their homework is undoubtedly another WAY OF DRIVING THEM  by a loving intention. However, when we cease trying to ‘teach’ and instead seek to create opportunities for our children to ‘learn’ responsibility and independence, a great deal of unnecessary daily battles could be avoided, thereby leaving room for us to play a more nurturing role while maintaining a positive, supportive and encouraging relationship with them.
While it is our parental duty to serve, it is also imperative that we learn to step back and allow our children to develop independence and responsibility through the experience of difficulties and mistakes. We all are well wishers of our children. It is up to the parents to endeavor to make their children lead purposeful lives. Teachers,on their part, should set an example and inculcate in their wards fight values. Only a lighted lamp can serve to light other lamps. WE MUST PRACTICE IDEALISM ....TO CHANGE THE WORLD.OUR NEW GENERATION.

DO U AGREE...?                                                        SUPPORTING VIEWS FROM NET FRIENDS

Saturday, 9 November 2013


HOW DO quality of praise that really matters?

How can WE provide discipline/praising in our children so that he or she can function well at home and in public? Every parent/teacher wants their children to be happy, respectful, respected by others, and able to find their place in the world as well-behaved adults. Nobody wants to be accused of raising a spoiled brat.
But sometimes it seems that these goals are miles away from your child's current behavior.
Do u feel this problem in u r classroom or home?    yes ,praising is an important tool in raising confident kids with a healthy sense of self-esteem.but it limits to fake praising by parents just to make their own stands...positions,this turns the nature of children they become extra safe and starts moving on their heads.though it builds their self esteem  but hinders growth in my view .... so pl be careful when ,where, what ,why , a showers of questions before u lead them on this way .

Think IS THE quality of praise is more important than the quantity.?

 Genuine praises helps to recognize our children's efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal.Acknowledging good behavior is the best way to encourage your child .

What Really Matters. "One thing to remember is that it's the process not the end product that matters."so guide your
children to be confident and  Your responsibility as a PARENT/TEACHER is to help your child become self-reliant, respectful, and self-controlled. Thanks.

Great pearls of wisdom.

True awakening.....in our future bearers.

MY EXPERIENCE  SHARED   I used to interact with adults and older children, not because of a superiority complex, but because I found comfort in those older than me, and their topics were more interesting than talking about dolls. I interacted with those younger because I felt a sense of duty towards them. here nowadays diff catered, but still, I respected them. I agree that children should be encouraged to interact with various age groups in order to help them understand the importance of all ages within the community. BUT UNDER GUIDANCE ...to save from extremes.
yes, I agree with Sri Ravi Shankarji.....Children should be encouraged to interact with various age groups. This is very important and will indicate whether they are developing any superiority or inferiority complex or if they are becoming introverted or extroverted.
  •  Children with an inferiority complex like to interact more with children younger than them. They will try to avoid the older ones and may even try to avoid those of the same age.        Those with superiority complex will try to shun the younger ones and will only want to relate to those older than them. 
  • By encouraging interaction with all age groups, they can be molded into balanced and flexible human beings with personalities free of complexes..I WELCOME differences ....children, and people, need to learn to interact with others who are different, but forcing deep personality change is not a good idea, and introversion/extroversion tends to be genetically influenced.
  • Do u agree with me? HOW TO BE GOOD TEACHER OR PARENT....pl add some of your suggestions.


How can we support  The Education for All (EFA) movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adult BY 2015. How can we support
we must
find simple and cost-effective

ways of overcoming barriers in
the physical environment
create child-friendly learning
use simple, clear and consistent
language make learning enjoyable
make education more relevant
to daily life and home situations
accept that children learn at
different rates and vary
teaching methods accordingly
respond fl exibly and creatively
to the individual needs of
children be fl exible about seating
arrangements – use mats,
wooden blocks or old car tyres
use multi-sensory teaching
methods that attend to the
diversity of senses promote active learning and
child-to-child activities encourage teachers to observe
each other and problem-solve together

  involve parents and communitythese r  identified six goals to be met by 2015. Governments, development agencies, civil society and the private sector are working together to reach the EFA goals.HOPE TO GET SUCCESS and rise as educated country in future....

Education for All Goals

Six internationally agreed education goals aim to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015.

Goal 1
Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

Goal 2
Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to, and complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality.

Goal 3
Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes.

Goal 4
Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults.

Goal 5
Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality.

Goal 6
Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills. today we need to adop it ...but how far we gain success is the question? mk

Friday, 8 November 2013




Thursday, 7 November 2013


IT IS MADE with waste materials(old chart paper) and match boxes.It widens
vocabulary power and children enjoy learning through guessing game.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Most of the shadows of this life are caused by you standing in your own sunshine. The only thing standing between you and your dream is your belief , Quit impossible word from ur dictionary ... and power

your willingness and go after it.you will surely win ur dreams. have a blessed day my dear friends.

What is Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)?

Evaluation is the indispensable part of the educational process, as some form of assessment is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and their assimilation by the learners.

Our traditional examination system calls for rote memorization and fails to test the higher order thinking skills like reasoning and analysis, lateral thinking, creativity and judgment. Hence these examinations make no allowance for different types of learners and learning environments and induce an in-ordinate level of anxiety and stress among students and their patents.

This calls for a functional and reliable system of school based evaluation which ensures a holistic assessment of the learner which also includes co-scholastic areas of life skills, attitude & values, sports & games as well as co-curricular activities. The CCE Scheme aims at addressing this in a holistic manner.

The CCE aims at reducing the emphasis on external examination and encouraging internal assessment. Thus the CCE Scheme is expected to bring about a paradigm shift from examination to effective pedagogy.

What has the Board done so far?

The CBSE has conducted a series of workshops, seminars and training sessions for the stakeholders throughout the length and breadth of the country so as to sensitize them about the indispensability of implementing the CCE scheme in schools. Through these workshops and seminars, the resource persons of the Board have explained in detail to the teachers, parents and Heads of institutions, how this scheme would help and benefit the children. The Board has also taken elaborate measures to address the concerns of the stakeholders in this regard.Here is the link for ur easy reach....